A new vision for “doing” church

We live in a time of seismic shifts in religion and in Christianity in particular.
In such a time we must ask the question, what is church?

This is a vision of church as a playground café—a place where children, parents,
and other adults might come to play, to be nourished, to build community, to engage in deep conversation,
and to journey together.


Journey. Together.

The Playground challenges the assumption that we must all believe or practice similarly in order to be church together.

We strive to form diverse community- we need not be on the same journey to journey deeper together.


“Move to the edges, if you dare, toward those rising sons and daughters who have long abandoned our houses of worship.

Run toward the ones whom the Spirit has captivated in these latest of days—the young artists, and activists, with voices fresh and unorthodox, ready to prophecy. Do not do this selfishly, with the hopes that they will bail out a tired, old church. It is not about us. It is about them. Moreover, it is about transcending all notions of ‘us and them.’ … it is about showing up to dance with God and all the folks God is bringing to her party.”

-Beth Ann Estock and Paul Nixon


At its heart, church…


At picnic table + playground


Through deep conversation + connections


Us back out into the world- nourished by food, drink, connection, play, and rest- to make it into a better place for us all.

“At the end of our journeys lies a promise—

that we are claimed eternally in a community of healing and mercy, sharing in a great feast at God’s table. 


This promise frees us to take the risk of dying to all that keeps us from God and one another, trusting that new life will come forth. 

It frees us to enter into the lives and journeys of our neighbors as we share at their tables.

It frees us to change, to grow, to learn, to fail, knowing we are held and carried by One who will not let us go.”

-Dwight Zcheile

Want to deep dive on this vision?